Are you interested in using your Chicken Soup of the Soul books as your own therapist? Then, you are in for a treat!

In the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think, Act, and Be Happy, Dr. Mike Dow, the highly sought-after psychotherapist and the New York Times bestselling author of The Brain Fog Fix, Diet Rehab and Heal Your Drained Brain, uses Chicken Soup for the Soul stories to show you how to be your own therapist.

Dr. Dow addresses the key issues that most of his patients have and clearly explains how you can use the same techniques he uses with patients to solve your problems at home. This combination of personal stories, clear explanations, and fun journal entries you write yourself will inspire you and help you work on the problem areas in your life.

Join Amy Newmark, the publisher, and editor-in-chief for Chicken Soup and me on Tuesday, October 2, 10-11 A.M. CT US. Amy and I will be having a conversation about how Dr. Mike Dow explains by reading stories from real people who overcame their own challenges, and by following the common-sense steps he provided, you’ll be empowered to train your brain to become your own therapist, and learn to think, act, and be happy, for real.