Nearly everyone thinks their family is “Wacky” or has at least one or two members who stand out from the crowd uniquely. If this resonates with you, join Amy Newmark, Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher, and me on Wednesday, November 2nd, from 12 Noon - 1 P.M. CT U.S.

Our lunchtime kitchen table conversation is on real-life stories from their new Chicken Soup for the Soul collection about people sharing funny snippets about their family members and moments that are wacky and hilarious!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Wonderful Wacky Family - 101 Loving Stories About Our Crazy, Quirky Families shows how everyone thinks their family is wacky, and they wouldn’t have it any other way! These heartwarming stories range from bizarre traditions to eccentric relatives, peculiar holiday behavior, and hysterically funny incidents; you can laugh out loud and nod your head in recognition.

In the end, always remember we are family, and that's all that matters!