November is National Family Caregivers Month. It is the time to recognize and honor all family caregivers who tirelessly care for their loved ones! 

Many family caregivers are the primary source of support for their loved ones. Since they also work while providing care, they experience significant emotional, physical, and financial tolls. As nearly half of all caregivers are over age 50, many are vulnerable to an escalating decline in their health, as well. 

The founder of Caregiver Wellness, Denise Schaub, was a successful attorney and recent candidate for probate judge when her world changed suddenly, pivoting her into a new personal journey of caring for her mother diagnosed with dementia. Denise used her active listening expertise from 15 years of practicing law to catalyze transformative healing and empower carers of elderly loved ones. Her experience of transitioning from near burnout to integrating self-care and wellness into her caregiving lifestyle became the essence of her success. It led her to become a certified Integrative Nutrition coach. She believes being our best selves allows us to care with confidence and compassion.

Denise's story Growing Through Dementia was featured in the Chicken Soup For The Soul: Navigating Eldercare & Dementia. Earlier this summer, she also spoke at the Global Premier Congress on Women Health & Empowerment Expo in Paris, France. Denise also contributes her caregiver wellness expertise to inspire others in our monthly digital magazine, Inspirations for Better Living section, Lovingly Parenting Our Parents! 

Join Denise Schaub and me on Tuesday, November 16, 10 A.M. - 11 A.M. CT US. Our conversation will be about her remarkable life's journey and, as a caregiver, how caring for yourself is as important as caring for your loved ones.