Chicken Soup for the Soul: Billy Graham & Me, is a one-of-a-kind anthology containing personal stories from world leaders, including every living president, celebrities and the people who know him best.
The book contains 101 personal and impactful  stories from some of the most influential leaders in government, business, sports, entertainment, and religion as well as Mr. Graham’s friends and family. Just as Mr. Graham’s ministry transcended religious, racial and political boundaries, so does the list of contributors to this book as they reveal and confirm his place in history. Prominent Christian pastors, leaders from other faiths, celebrities, heroes, regular citizens, and remarkably, every living US president – collectively document the effects of Mr. Graham’s worldwide ministry over more than six decades. 
Call 347.327.9995 on Tuesday February 26th from 10-11 A.M. U.S. to learn first-hand from Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher, editor-in-chief, and co-author of the book, Amy Newmark, what is it like to work on documenting the life and legacy of the world’s best-known evangelist.