Would you like to live with the full embodiment of your powerful passion and the fiery energy of your authentic self? Do you want to learn to trust your inner GPS and follow its guidance to experience clarity that empowers you to create a bold, beautiful life? If your answer is YES, Join Stephanie James and me on Wednesday, August 10, from 10 - 11 A.M. CT U.S. Our conversation is about her remarkable life journey and her new book, Becoming Fierce.

Stephanie James is a psychotherapist, presenter, transformational coach, author, filmmaker, and radio show and podcast host. She has experienced what it means to live fully lit up and fully alive. Over the years, Stephanie has gathered wisdom from some of the most extraordinary minds and serving hearts on the planet. She has synthesized their wisdom with her knowledge and experience to help others expand their vision by igniting their purpose.  

Stephanie’s purpose is to bring as much love and healing to the world as possible. She believes as we live the greatest versions of ourselves, we illuminate the way for others to do the same. The unique light we project in the world will also serve as a beacon for others to shine!

Stephanie has beautifully captured the essence of universal wisdom and self-love by finding our voice, strength, and purpose that will powerfully ignite our life! Her latest book, “Becoming Fierce - Creating a Bold and Beautiful Life,” offers a gentle and provocative look at stimulating considerable thought and igniting the heart space. It also provides the practical insights to build the inner strength and courage to overcome, resulting in an astonishing revelation of balance, poignancy, and meaning.