Do you know what your SPIRITUAL DNA is? Aren't you curious about how your past influences your present and perhaps will govern your future?

After examining the lives of thousands of individuals across five thousand years, Carmel Niland saw patterns in behavior, character traits, and life purpose that allowed her to connect each individual to specific Ascended Masters. Guided by renowned mystics, she realized that, just as we carry physical DNA that shapes us across generations, we also carry an energetic code or spiritual DNA that links us back to the very source of our origins -- a divine ancestry linking us directly back to God.

Carmel Niland is the former CEO and leader of various government agencies on gender, racial equality, human rights, and child protection in New South Wales, Australia. She became well-known for fighting against sexual harassment and discrimination and advocating for women's and Aboriginal rights.

Raised in a Catholic family, Carmel has always felt a deep connection to spirit. Her lifelong quest for spiritual meaning led her to become the messenger, the one chosen to reveal the secrets behind our line to God. Carmel is the author of A Darker Magic This Way Comes, her first novel in the Merlin Secret's series.

In her latest book, Our Spiritual DNA - Twelve Ascended Masters and The Evidence for Our Divine Ancestry, Carmel offers charts to help us trace our own spiritual DNA through the reincarnations of the Ascended Masters and thus discover our direct connection to the Divine.

Join Carmel Niland and me on Tuesday, August 31, 10 - 11 A.M. CT U.S. We will be having a conversation about her remarkable life's journey and learn how to understand our spiritual and genetic connection to God and that we are all one large family divinely connected across gender, race, and time.