This is the episode where Steena Marie and I talk about the importance of building a relationship with people, before having a sales conversation. Steena shares great tips on becoming memorable as well as likeable in the minds of others. Have you ever been turned off by someone who reaches out to connect, for example on LinkedIn? As soon as you connect they send you a blurb that gives their title and what they sell. 

Marketing is no longer about sales it’s about being of service, it’s about Relationship Marketing. It’s not what you sell, it’s WHO you sell that matters. For centuries retailers sold what the customer ‘needed’ like food, coats, livestock, and so on. Today, most of us can buy what we want in 20 colors so the retailer must change their occasional customers into friends, fans, and most importantly referral sources in order for their business to not only survive but thrive.

Authentic Relationship Marketing is about letting people know who you are, your authentic story, and your unique message. They want to know what you stand for... your POV (Point of View). I'm sure you'll enjoy this episode as well.