Meet Deanne Welsh, a girl from the sea. Deanne was raised on a missionary ship and traveled the world. Her aunts are voracious readers and told her about the book “Women Who Run with the Wolves” which is my favorite book. In this interview, Deanne talks about creativity and how we are all creative beings. We get so close to breaking through our struggles and then give up. This is an interview of encouragement because we are stronger than we know, surrounded by supportive help, and have everything we need.

Stories are full of archetypal energy: Finding the life that feeds your Soul is about self-perseverance and clear water, the river beneath the river as author Clarissa Pinkola Estes puts it. She is the author of "Women Who Run with the Wolves". Clairssa teaches us that if we do not keep the river beneath the river healthy and allow our creative life to flourish, we will die.