Mike Stevenson: “I believe that young people should have special sittings with local and national governments. It might add more voices to the cacophony of politicians and yet we need to hear those voices. We need to give young people a sense that they are part of the solution, and we need to listen to them now.

Reforming democracy sounds complicated. It's not. They've done it in places like Norway, where the young people were leaving because all the industry was gone. They brought young people in as part of the political solution. That's the thing to do. It's also about asking the right questions. For example, "What's going to encourage you to stay in this town?"

Every human being has enormous capacity. When you see it in children, you realize just how great that capacity is.

We tend to keep young people compliant. Listen to us, we know best, rather than hearing their ideas.

When we start exploring the creativity and the imagination of all parts of the community, we find richness. I have been able to do this. I have worked with people and communities. I have held big idea sessions and shown groups of people how extraordinary ideas have taken root around the world.”

Have a listen as I interview my special guest Mike Stevenson.