Author John Chappelear says, “Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better yesterday, meaning 'let it go' because it’s gone.” In this conversation John refers to the Saturday Night Live skit with the advice 'if you drop your keys in hot flowing lava, let them goooooooo’.

John used to deal with his resentment, judgment, and anger by stuffing it all into a bag. Then he’d throw that bag over his shoulder and carry it home at night. At home he would build up more resentment, judgment, and anger then stuff that into his bag. The following morning he'd carry that back to work.

He didn't even notice how much the bag was driving his behavior, which was in turn driving his actions and everything else.

John figured there was a better way to live.

He is the author of "The Daily six".

If you are looking to decrease stress and take a closer look at the focus of your life, you won't want to miss this conversation.

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