Previous Episode: #1 To Be with Eva Vennari

Eva Vennari: “With the tunnel vision we get when we are in pain, we tend not to notice what is outside of us. I can remember a particular moment, when I was chronically ill and laying on the couch. My girls were very little and I was so fatigued that I could not get up and tuck them into bed. I said, "Come here. Give me a hug. You have to tuck yourselves in tonight. I can't do it. I can't move from here”. 

Being chronically ill, we lose perspective. We lose connection with ourselves and others. 

As I got stronger and my body was able to fight, my focus shifted away from the pain to, "Oh, my gosh, I have children that I need to raise! What do you guys need?"

There are red flags that we ignore and it's important to pay attention. 

Learning how to listen in a way that is not a knee jerk reaction is important. Being emotionally intelligent is one thing, you can know what you're feeling. But unless you know what to do with it, you're not being wise about it. In other words, EQ (Emotional Intelligence) has nothing to do with wisdom.

When we're in that place of tunnel vision, we forget that there are others around us who need us, want us, can help us, and are a part of us.”


Have a listen as I interview my special guest Eva Vennari!