๐—ฆ๐—ผ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฎ ๐—๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ฏ๐˜€ (๐—ฆ๐—ผ๐—ฝ๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ฒ): โ€œI was about to graduate from college when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I moved to my mom's place to finish up online. I lived there for a couple of months after graduation, just figuring out what I was going to be doing. I ended up joining a startup.

While all that was happening, it was one of the worst years of wildfires in California.

There were multiple dry lightning strikes, which caused a lot of fires in neighboring counties. None of them were extremely close. It definitely left us all on edge, especially me seeing that I was home alone most of the time.

When I found a dead bird on the doorstep it felt like a signal or an omen. There was some sort of knowingness in me and a feeling of "oh no" like life was being drained out from under my feet. Later that night I had an urge to just leave. I grabbed my backpack and I left with my two dogs.

In the morning, I found out that the whole house had been decimated by a firenado. A tornado of fire had ripped through our neighborhood, killing a couple of our neighbors.

That experience really brought my life into focus.

I got the message that life is precious. Not only is life precious, my body had communicated something to me that had saved my life and yet what was that? What is that? I wanted to know more. This hunger became the guiding force of my life without even having a language for it. That question recentered my priorities and I really wanted to focus on my spiritual life. I went to a Buddist monastery and studied for a year. I was even ordained as a nun. During that time, it became even clearer that this sort of intelligence within me was really important.

When we are on a path of awakening, it's important to distill what's true for us and to cut out all of the extra noise. So that became a major theme. One night a thought landed in my head three times, โ€˜I should write a book about intuitionโ€™.

When it comes to thoughts, it can be difficult to figure out if it carries a certain weight or if it's just a thought. That particular thought had come in threes and I had experienced an energetic resonance with it. I had been quiet enough to hear that lingering calling within the thought, at least enough to inch one centimeter closer to that reality.

My next thought was in the form of a question, 'I wonder what would happen if I did write a book? That's kind of a silly idea, and yet I wonder.โ€™

What initially started out as a series of journal entries around intuition, insight, and inner knowing became a book. I not only became an authorโ€ฆ what I wrote about became a huge force in my life.โ€


If you would like to know more about tapping into your inner knowing, you wonโ€™t want to miss this interview with my guest Sophie Jacobs.

Find out how spiritual courage is about slowing down and really listening.