Nicole Heimann: “Creating a new world is what we are all in the process of doing right now. And definitely what is needed. We have proof enough that what we created over the past thousands of years doesn't work. The realization that we can create our own reality and that we are not victims of circumstances, started very early in my life. Of course to create, we need to believe that anything is possible. 

When I remarried a couple of years ago, we merged two households. When people asked what we wanted for wedding gifts, we started a foundation where they could donate some money and help save the Amazon Rainforest. 

The whole experience of going to the Amazon and spending time with the communities there, allows us and the CEOs we take with us to be disconnected from our modern world. It's a very visceral experience. 

The learning actually takes place in one's cells. 

One of the learnings that I find extremely powerful is that you gain insight through simplicity by embracing complexity. This learning comes from the whole experience of being there. When you feel that and you see that, you automatically learn to be okay with complexity. 

Most CEOs are not connected to their intuition.

Once they are immersed into the culture of the Amazon, they start seeing how everything is connected and they reconnect with themselves. They start to see the simplicity of embracing complexity, and they begin to experience solutions coming through them. Not being up in their heads is very new for them. Their phone and computer are no longer a distraction for them. They are completely cut off from the modern world of tech. They are surrounded by nature. 

The transformation is priceless and really shows them how important it is to reconnect. In the modern world, we go into nature to take a walk. We forget that we are not just part of nature, we are nature.”


If you would like to know more about the process of creating a new world, you won’t want to miss this interview with my guest Nicole Heimann.

Find out how to gain insight through simplicity by embracing complexity.