Kaching! Your car just earned its own gas money. In the Economy of Things, cars and other machines and devices can become independent economic actors. As they interact and do business, they need to trust each other’s identities and that contracts between machines are executed as agreed upon. Web3 technology can enable these scenarios. Bosch researcher Dr. Nik Scharmann and our virtual host, Geoff’s voice avatar, dive into the challenges and opportunities of the Economy of Things.

More Bosch podcasts:
Beyond Bosch: https://podtail.com/de/podcast/beyond-bosch/
Mighty Micro: https://mightymicro.podigee.io/

From KNOW-HOW to WOW - the Bosch Global Podcast

Kaching! Your car just earned its own gas money. In the Economy of Things, cars and other machines and devices can become independent economic actors. As they interact and do business, they need to trust each other’s identities and that contracts between machines are executed as agreed upon. Web3 technology can enable these scenarios. Bosch researcher Dr. Nik Scharmann and our virtual host, Geoff’s voice avatar, dive into the challenges and opportunities of the Economy of Things.

More Bosch podcasts:
Beyond Bosch: https://podtail.com/de/podcast/beyond-bosch/
Mighty Micro: https://mightymicro.podigee.io/