Coady & The Creepies is a new comic from Boom! Studios, about three sisters in a punk rock band, and their return to the punk scene after an accident leaves one scarred and another in a wheelchair.

On this episode, we take a side trip into the world of comics to talk about Coady & The Creepies, a new comic from Boom! Studios imprint Boom! Box, with writer Liz Prince and artist Amanda Kirk. Sisters Coady, Criss, and Corey are bandmates in the band Coady and the Creepies. After a van accident leaves Corey badly scarred and Criss in a wheelchair, they're getting back into the punk scene.

But, they still need to contend with the challenges of staying true to their punk ideals, while also dealing with the media attention they've attracted, as well as the tension surrounding the fact that Coady escaped the accident seemingly unscathed. Now on tour, they're fighting their way through the (sometimes literal) battle of the bands.

Issue #2 of Coady & The Creepies is out Tuesday, April 19, and you can order it via your local comic shop or online via the Boom! Studios shop.

Coady and the Creepies, "Creepies R Go!" (single)
Shang-A-Lang, "Waiting For the End" (Waiting For the End)
Daniel Johnston, "Devil Town" (1990)
Chumped, "Songs About Boats" (Teenage Retirement)