The 2011 film, Red State, was the first departure of Kevin Smith from his rather more comedic roots. It’s a grindhousey horror action film more akin to The Devil’s Rejects than the suburban hijinks of Mallrats or Clerks. Smith self-produced the whole film, then released it under his own Smodcast Films banner. In an interesting turn of events, as Smith was wrapping filming on the movie in October of 2010, he put out a call via Twitter for speed metal and country tunes. The country tune he picked was Adam Lee & the Dead Horse Sound Company's "Drinking, Cheating, Loving, and Leaving," from their 2010 album, When the Spirits Move Me. We spoke by phone with Adam Lee about that song, as well as Smith’s movie Tusk. We started off with a discussion of Lee’s new solo album, Sincerely Me, which was released earlier this year.

The 2011 film, Red State, was the first departure of Kevin Smith from his rather more comedic roots. It’s a grindhousey horror action film more akin to The Devil’s Rejects than the suburban hi-jinks of Mallrats or Clerks. Smith self-produced the whole film, then released it under his own Smodcast Films banner.

In an interesting turn of events, as Smith was wrapping filming on the movie in October of 2010, he put out a call via Twitter for speed metal and country tunes. The country tune he picked was Adam Lee & the Dead Horse Sound Company's "Drinking, Cheating, Loving, and Leaving," from their 2010 album, When the Spirits Move Me. We spoke by phone with Adam Lee about that song, as well as Smith’s movie Tusk. We started off with a discussion of Lee’s new solo album, Sincerely Me, which was released earlier this year.

Adam Lee & the Dead Horse Sound Co., "Drinking, Cheating, Loving, and Leaving" (When the Spirits Move Me)
Adam Lee, "Good Days" (Sincerely, Me)
Adam Lee & the Dead Horse Sound Co., "Holy Roller" (When the Spirits Move Me)
Adam Lee, "Stray Cat" (Sincerely, Me)
Adam Lee, "Misery" (Sincerely, Me)