Hello there, and welcome to this brand-new podcast! In “From High Stakes Poker To …”! I’m your host, Wayne Yap. In each future episode of the show, I’ll interview a former high-stakes poker player who has successfully transitioned into something else.

In case you’re not familiar with my story, I’ve spent the last few years of my poker career playing the highest games in Macau. I realized that I was playing poker to make money, and taking that money to try to make people around me happy, but poker (and focusing on making money) didn’t fulfill me. I’m transitioning out of poker now, and looking for ideas and resources to help me successfully do that. That’s how the idea for this podcast came about!

I know I’m not the only one in this situation. A lot of successful high-stakes poker players want to transition into other fields, but there’s not enough information out there on how to do that smoothly and successfully. I believe there’s a lot of raw intellectual power in poker players, but it can be a struggle to transfer the skills gained from playing poker into other fields. That’s why I’m going to interview people who have made the transition successfully; their insights can help guide my journey (and yours!).

Tune into this introductory episode to learn more about why I’m starting this podcast, how important it is to provide value (especially to the right people), and why I’m so excited to talk to the guests who will be joining me in future episodes! If you know someone who has transitioned out of high-stakes poker and who you think would be a great guest for the show, please let me know so I can invite them to join me for a conversation.

In This Episode:

[00:00] - Wayne welcomes listeners to the episode, introduces the topic of the podcast, and shares a bit of his story. [01:13] - Most of Wayne’s high-stakes poker friends don’t want to play poker long term, he explains. [02:53] - A lot of people with raw intellectual power become good at poker but struggle with transitioning to other fields. [03:37] - Wayne talks more about his journey and decision to transition out of poker. He then shares his thoughts on giving value. [05:35] - We hear more about Wayne’s reasons for starting this podcast. [06:43] - Wayne points out that being in front of the camera or microphone is a trainable skill, and shares his excitement about talking to the guests in future episodes. [08:08] - Wayne invites listeners to subscribe, as well as to recommend guests for the show! [10:13] - We learn about a couple of ways that Wayne is creating a ripple effect through this podcast. [11:35] - It’s easy to go from an abundance mindset to a scarcity mindset, Wayne points out. He then shares some of his ideas for how to expand on the mission of the podcast in the future. [13:08] - Wayne jokes about his awkwardness in front of the camera and microphone, then extends another invitation to subscribe and suggest guests.