Elliot Roe is one of the best mindset coaches in poker, and he helps so many poker players reach the highest levels. As a hypnotherapist and mindset coach, Elliot has worked with many poker players across his career, ranging from low-stakes to high-stakes players. He uses hypnotherapy to help players work through the issues that they bring to the table. There’s a lot of crossover between the self-sabotage that he sees at the business table and the poker table, he points out.


Often, when moving from poker to other fields, people don’t know their strengths. Those who succeed at poker, you have to be highly intelligent and good at problem-solving, Elliot points out today. In fact, the competition is lower in business than in poker. That isn’t to say that the transition will always be easy; the soft skills required in the business world may be a challenge, especially for primarily online poker players.


If that has you concerned, don’t worry; Elliot will dig into some of the common pitfalls that poker players fall into when trying to make the transition into business. Successfully assessing and avoiding these will help you make a successful transition and do as well in business as you do in poker. On the more positive side, he’ll also share his thoughts on careers and business realms in which poker players are typically suited to thrive. Wherever you are in your poker-to-business transition, I think that Elliot’s powerful advice will prove invaluable.


In This Episode:

[00:23] - Elliot introduces himself and explains his background.

[02:28] - We learn about one of the most common types of self-sabotage that Elliot sees both in poker and in business.

[04:35] - Wayne shares his thoughts on Elliot’s points about self-sabotage.

[06:40] - We hear more about one of the challenges in moving from poker into other fields, and some of the strengths that poker players have.

[09:18] - Elliot talks about defending leaks, and how that relates to the business world.

[10:43] - What are some of the biggest mindset changes that poker players need to make as they move on to business?

[13:40] - Elliot shares his theory on why almost all of the biggest poker players will eventually move on to something else.

[16:16] - We hear about some of the common pitfalls that lead poker players not to succeed when they make the transition.

[19:02] - Wayne shares a challenge that he’s facing right now as he’s juggling both poker and business.

[21:04] - Are there any patterns or industries that Wayne thinks poker players move into more than others?

[25:47] - Elliot points out one of the reasons why a strong network is so important: getting feedback and mentors.

[28:48] - Don’t underestimate how interesting you are when you’re looking for a potential mentor, Elliot advises. He and Wayne then chat about the importance of collaborating with compatible people.

[34:20] - Does Elliot have any specific examples of the process of making a successful transition from poker to business?

[37:25] - Elliot recommends setting boundaries in your business when possible.

[39:08] - Are there any other ways that Elliot recommends that poker players manage their time once they’ve moved on?

[40:38] - In all of his time coaching poker players, what skill set has Elliot learned that has helped him in his life or business?

[42:42] - Elliot talks about what he wishes he had known before he made his own transition, and whether he would offer that same advice to poker players.

[45:33] - When Elliot hears the word “success,” who is the first person who comes to mind?

[47:14] - What are some common misconceptions that people have about Elliot himself or his industry?

[49:19] - What is something that Elliot believes in that other people might consider insane?

[53:18] - Elliot lists some places where listeners can find him online.


Links and Resources:

Poker Mind Coach

Elliot Roe

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The A-Game Advantage Podcast

The Mindset Advantage Podcast

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