We review Season 2, Episodes 7 (The Clone Conspiracy), 8 (Truth and Consequences) and 9 (The Crossing) of The Bad Batch. Topics include:

Fun with political intrigue Cade signs his own Death Certificate Take your clone to work day Palps sacrifices his Rampart to win at chess yet again Omega and Tech come to an understanding Cid is not long for this show

In our Question of the Week, we ask "will Disney kill off some or all of the Bad Batch?". In news, we discuss the latest comments by Bob Iger about the future of Disney and Disney+ as well as all the news around Star Wars Celebration and its massive list of appearances scheduled for April. We answer your Maul Bag questions, share a FACPAtoid and more!

Episode Time Stamps:

11:54 - Question of the Week - Will Disney kill off any or all members of the Bad Batch? 17:22 - What about Bob? 22:02 - Star Wars Celebration shaping up 26:59 - The Bad Batch: Season 2, Episodes 7 (The Clone Conspiracy), 8 (Truth and Consequences) and 9 (The Crossing) Review 57:35 - Maul Bag 59:25 - FACPAtoid

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)


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