We review Season 2, Episode 5 (Entombed) of The Bad Batch. Topics include:

Jay is not pleased with this episode More new worlds to anger the Star Wars map makers Mel, we hardly knew ya! Is Phee full of BS or are her stories rooted in truth? More Goonies than Indiana Jones

In our Question of the Week, we share your favorite droids we've seen in The Bad Batch series so far. In news, we talk Thrawn casting, Skeleton crew filming wrap, actors wanting to come back for more Star Wars and Jay shares his ongoing theories about Ghost Track 17.  We also answer all your Maul Bag emails, share a FACPAtoid and more!

Episode Time Stamps:

04:32 - Who is your favorite droid from the Bad Batch series? 10:01 - So who IS playing Thrawn? 13:43 - Has the Skeleton Crew wrapped filming? 15:07 - Everybody wants to come back to Star Wars 19:40 - Revisiting Ghost Track 17: An Angry Ginger Theory 24:15 - The Bad Batch: Season 2, Episode 5 (Entombed) Review 43:15 - Maul Bag 49:32 - FACPAtoid

Please support our friends Clashing Sabers Podcast and their Star Wars book drive - more details here: https://go.rallyup.com/thebookbatch/ 

We are participating in #StarWarsPodcastDay and will be releasing a special episode on February 7 so look for that!

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)

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