We review the Tales of the Jedi animated series. Topics include:

Great back stories and even better music Holding your Force pose Inquisitor stat padding Not Alderaan again! Mace Windu does everything by the book

In our Question of the Week, we review your answers for the future Leida-Stekan wedding. In news, we share some interesting post-season 1 quotes from the cast and crew of Andor.  We discuss an Acolyte nugget as well as some of the news out of recent Star Wars events. We answer all of your Maul Bag questions and more!

Episode Time Stamps:

03:42 - Question of the Week - Leida and Stekan's upcoming wedding 07:57 - Andor Interview Quotes 15:39 - The Acolyte Plot Tease 16:32 - APAC Showcase/CCXP News 19:41 - Jay on Bricks and Screws 27:22 - Tales of the Jedi review 65:06 - Maul Bag 70:51 - LEGO lightsaber hilt giveaway

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)

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