We review Episode 10 (One Way Out) of Andor. Topics include:

Kino anxiety fest Don't you go NEAR my daughter! The great and mighty Oz is now 'on program' The Narkina prisoners may have one way out, but you have no way out, Lonni What's coming in the two-part finale?

In our Question of the Week, we share your ideas for how Syril can get back in Dedra's good graces. In the news, we discuss recent Acolyte casting updates, Andor Season 2 info, rumors of Moff Gideon's new look and more Star Wars movie director drama. We answer all of your Maul Bag questions and more!

Episode Time Stamps:

04:29 - Question of the Week - How can Syril turn around his creepiness with Dedra? 09:15 - Casting for The Acolyte 13:21 - Andor Season 2 Notes 16:33 - A New Look for Moff Gideon? 20:23 - More Star Wars Movie Director Changes 24:34 - Andor Episode 10 (One Way Out) Review 59:18 - Maul Bag

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)

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