We review Episode 5 of Andor. Topics include:

How long until Syril kills his mom? Dedra is a pill popper? Trust issues everywhere Mon Mothma needs a vacation from her family Luthen looks nervous

In our Question of the Week, we consider what Dedra Meero's home life is like. Christian Bale in Star Wars? We answer all of your Maul Bag questions, share a FACPAtoid and more!

Episode Time Stamps:

03:43 - Question of the Week - Dedra in her spare time 08:29 - Christian Bale (or Christian Slater) in Star Wars? 11:58 - Andor Episode 5 Review 48:23 - Maul Bag 61:35 - FACPAtoid

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)

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