We review the latest from Chapter 3 of The Book of Boba Fett. Topics include:

Lortha Peel is looking for his red stapler Boba beefs up his crew Is the gecko okay? Black Krrsantan chiropractic services That feast scene was weird Low speed chase

In our Question of the Week, we wonder how the oceans of Tatooine dried up. We cover the hot rumors about future Disney+ series. We answer all of your Maul Bag questions (thank you!) and share a quick FACPAtoid.

Episode Time Stamps:

06:20 - Question of the Week 11:08 - Disney+ spinoff series rumors 14:23 - Book of Boba Fett: Chapter 3 - The Streets of Mos Espa 54:55 - Maul Bag 65:40 - FACPAtoid

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)

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