This week, we welcome special guest Dave Maier (aka Darth Flamingueis) to preview the Book of Boba Fett. Topics include:

Damn it feels good to be a gangster How are they going to handle the Sarlacc Pit and do we see a recreation of the Barge scene from ROTJ? Does Boba have PTSV? Crossovers to other series past, present and future

We talk last words before execution by the Empire in our Question of the Week, get into some Ahsoka character rumors and take your Maul Bag questions! We also bring you a questionable FACPAtoid!

Episode Time Stamps:

08:05 - Question of the Week 11:48 - Ahsoka Character Rumors 19:19 - Preview of Book of Boba Fett with Darth Flamingueis 60:37 - Maul Bag 75:14 - FACPAtoid

Check out Dave's other podcasts Podcast Without Bounds and Rook's Corner

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