We continue our review of the Clone Wars with a look at season 6. Topics include:

Palpatine is an elite project manager Anakin/Padme breakup and makeup Mother Talzin cropdusting The Jar Jar/Mace odd couple Yoda retirement planning

In our Question of the Week, we consider the recent trademark of 'Skywalker Academy' and what it could mean for future cotent.  We also discuss Kenobi casting and set footage, Ahsoka's leaked show descriptor, Bad Batch new trailer and first episode length, Disney made a real lightsaber? and more!

We are starting a FACPA group to run in the May the Fourth Be With You Medal Dash. Check here for more details and we'll share more on the show.

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Web site: http://FromACertainPointAskew.com

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)

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