We review Season 3, Episode 15 (The Cavalry Has Arrived) of The Bad Batch. Topics include:

The Rampart-Hemlock pissing contest Scalder! There's a robot right behind you! Hemlock sure is proud of his zombie Knights of Ren An MVP performance from Echo That epilogue hits a bit too close to home for us parents

In our Question of the Week, we share your thoughts on the next animated Star Wars series. In news, we catch up on Skeleton Crew. We answer all of your Maul Bag questions and FACPA Answering Machine messages and more!

Episode Time Stamps:

05:12 - Question of the Week: What's the next animated Star Wars series? 08:00 - Skeleton Crew update 10:27 - Bad Batch: Season 3, Episode 15 (The Cavalry Has Arrived) 52:01 - Maul Bag 55:29 - FACPA Answering Machine

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)



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