We review Episode 6 (Far, Far Away) of Ahsoka. Topics include:

Did someone fart or is there a jedi in the room? Dad bod Thrawn Enoch and the night troopers Horse dog ratface How are they gonna find their way back? Baylan's plans

In our Question of the Week, we share your theories on where Baylan was when Order 66 went down. In news, we catch up on the latest Taika Waititi rumors and the switch from a Lando series to a movie. We answer all of your Maul Bag questions and more!

Episode Time Stamps:

03:54 - Question of the Week - Baylan's Order 66 Whereabouts 12:53 - Dress in comfort with MeRobies 14:24 - Lando the movie? 16:20 - The Taika Waititi movie saga continues 19:52 - Ahsoka Episode 6 (Far, Far Away) Review 55:34 - Maul Bag

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)



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