We review Chapter 22 (Guns for Hire) of The Mandalorian. Topics include:

A debate on some of the odd plot choices Din and Matt are two peas in a pod regarding droid concerns Staples Easy button kill switch Mandalorians tossing around the old pigskin? Darksaber fine print

In our Question of the Week, we share your predictions on the fate of Tech. In news, we provide a quick primer on what's coming this weekend at Star Wars Celebration in London and we go over the latest character rumors for Andor and Ahsoka. We answer your Maul Bag questions, listen to your FACPA Answering Machine messages and more!

Episode Time Stamps:

05:19 - Question of the Week: Tech's Fate 08:38 - Star Wars Celebration primer 14:37 - More casting rumors for Ahsoka and Andor 17:00 - The Mandalorian Chapter 22 (Guns for Hire) Review 55:00 - Maul Bag 56:11 - FACPA Answering Machine

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Intro/Outro - Galactic by Seb Jaeger (via https://filmstro.com/music)


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