In this episode... I talk about the church of the end times. I start off talking about dreams and visions I have had of grim future like events that fit biblically with how the bible talks about the end times. I also get my friend and fellow Christian podcaster Brandon Schwin of cast em off radio to give his take on the end times church as well

I also talk about how the bible says in revelation 18:4 to come out of her my people when addressing the end times Babylon. So I talk about what it would look like for Christians to leave Babylon and be led by the lord.
I also give some opinions on how persecution can weed out the false Christians leaving behind only the ones on fire for the lord.

Prayer for the Persecuted this week is for the lonely alienated Christians who have been called crazy for believing the bible is literally the word of God. I believe as Christians we need to love each other and take care of those who need someone to talk to or need fellowship. Being Christian means we will be hated by the world for Jesus name sake so as brothers and sisters we need to take care of each other. Love the neighbor.

If you need prayer or want to get in contact with me here is the show email: [email protected]
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I hope you enjoy my show
Thank you and God bless you for listening