Oh, hi. Byron here.

Good news and bad news. As you can probably tell by the sound of my voice…not doing great. I’m a bit under the weather. I was hoping that we could just push the “Daniel Isn’t Real” review into the weekend for a late release but unfortunately, now blood happens when I cough…and I’ve decided to quarantine myself for a few more days, just to be safe.

The good news! To make up for nothing new, I thought I’d give you something old you might not have heard before. One of the first ten episodes, shrouded in the Patreon vault. With “The Nightingale” now on VOD and streaming, I thought it might be a good idea to go back and hear what we through of director Jennifer Kent’s FIRST film, The Babadook, which we reviewed almost 5 years ago to the day.

Next week we’ll return with a little “Daniel Isn’t Real” discussion up top, a little something from your captain Kelly, and our review of Sophia Tikal’s remake of “Black Christmas”.

If you dig this glimpse into the early days of the show, consider subscribing on Patreon at the $4 or higher for access to the first ten episodes, and a whole bunch of other bonus content. That way I can buy a new throat to carry me into the New Year…


Rebroadcast from December 6th, 2015.

This week we talk about Jennifer Kent’s anxiety laden film, “The Babadook”, as well as Evil Dead stuff, Leatherfaces, UFOs, & how the Minnesota Ice Man is not, not a thing.