Previous Episode: #9: Stephanie Liu
Next Episode: #11: Tim Holman

Val Head is pretty much all about animations. She’s written a book about animations, she talks about animations in workshops and conferences, she makes videos about animations, she has a newsletter about animations, and yes, she’s on podcasts talking about animations.

You will learn a shit ton from this show. So listen carefully, and make sure you check out the show notes in the description!

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What we talk about:

Living in Philly and Pittsburgh
Why she’s usually leaving her house
Why her car smelled so good when she drove back from Philly
What she teaches teams about animation
How she learns all things web
What her routine is like
What she did before she did animations
Moving from Flash to Web Animations
Thinking about context and your audience
Why it’s the designer’s job to play with animations
Canvas is fun and powerful


Daniel Shiffman