This week’s guest really needs no introduction she has been a friend of the show and was so great to help me with the year end best of episodes and is such a lovely person and I am so lucky to be able to chat with her again, it’s friggin Maison P @maisondecris! Questions from …

This week’s guest really needs no introduction she has been a friend of the show and was so great to help me with the year end best of episodes and is such a lovely person and I am so lucky to be able to chat with her again, it’s friggin Maison P @maisondecris!

Questions from Twitter

1) what is your favorite thing about the website twitter dot com
2) if your life was a campy horror film what would the plot be
3) are we getting tattoos or what bitch

— Sweatpants Cher (@House_Feminist) July 31, 2019

if you could time travel to any era, what souvenir would you bring home, and how would that alter the space time continuum

— llama (@LlamaInaTux) July 31, 2019

Hello! I would like to find out from Maison the following, please, if you have time:
1) guilty pleasure snack?
2) guilty pleasure song?
3) best way to spend an unexpected free day?

— jess a brambles company (@jessokfine) July 31, 2019

Hi maison! If u had to pick between fighting a bear or a tiger which one would it be


will u please date me

— bad boy (@badboychadhoy) July 31, 2019

do you think you could last in a room in total darkness and isolation (no phone or lights allowed) for one full month if you got $100,000 at the end. you're provided with whatever food you want but it comes at random intervals so you don't know how long you've been in there

— jwr: bad idea machine (@JackWilliamRtF) July 31, 2019

will you marry me be honest

— crystal (@crystalsug) July 31, 2019

My Q for Masion: Hi Maison, would it be ok if I replied to some of your tweets sometime? Pls lmk, I don't want you to be mad at me.

— JoelKrass (@JoelKrass) July 31, 2019

Questions for the great Mais:
– With the snap of a finger you can bring down any major corporation, which do you choose?
– What is your ideal breakfast?
– What's the best book you've read recently?
– How long do you wish your arms were?

— Abam (@AdamBroud) July 31, 2019

Very much interested in getting 3 book recommendations from Mais based on this criteria:

1) we live in a world where tears are currency
2) it makes you feel like the apes from 2001 a space odyssey after they've discovered the black monolith
3) read to you by Phife Dawg (rip)

— infinity + 1 (@stuckinaportal) July 31, 2019

Do you think, for your height, you can jump high or are you a regular jumper

— Kevin (just Kevin) (@Kevaclysm) July 31, 2019

scenario: Minnie can talk.

Questions: can she talk only to you, or can she talk to everyone? what is her presidential platform?

— spacegirl incognito (@iamspacegirl) July 31, 2019

I have been told my "signature question" may be too tough but if ANYbody can handle it, you can so…
1) If you were a new member of KISS, what would be your character/make-up deal?
2) How can you be so cool?
3) Best sandwich???

— Todd 'Papi' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) July 31, 2019

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