Friends of the Show Episode 32 with Madeline @FeelingEuphoric “And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” -Sylvia Plath; The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath Madeline is a very lovely person who […]

Friends of the Show Episode 32 with Madeline @FeelingEuphoric

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”

-Sylvia Plath; The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath

Madeline is a very lovely person who I have only recently got to know via some online interactions and I was immediately a fan, she does it all, funny jokes! Fun contests and interactions! Great songs and fun interpretations of tweets in video form, and great art as in visual art! that’s why she’s now one of my favourite people and I am so lucky to have her on the podcast, welcome Rads!

Madeline’s Stories:

Madeline and the No-Good, Very Bad Christmas Adventure

Madeline and the Criminal Christmas Carols

Madd’s Tweets:

I turn to my freezer as I fill up an ice cube tray with water. "Hey, can you do me a solid?"

— Rads, thankful af (@FeelingEuphoric) September 16, 2017

My pick

Dating tip: Before you think he's attractive—stop, breathe, and take a moment to think… is he attractive, or is he just a bowl of lasagna?

— Rads, thankful af (@FeelingEuphoric) August 27, 2017

Madd’s Picks:

[Kids party]

Wife: did you hire a magician like I asked?

Me: yep


Mortician: next we'll cut open the chest cavity like so…

— Alex with an ex (@psybermonkey) October 9, 2017

Me, 7yrs ago: NO EATING in my new car. I mean spotless

Me, Now: u hungry car? *mashes donut into CD player*

— Cyborg TH.anks (@CyborgHanky) September 9, 2016


I hear a faint clattering must be a question From The Beest!

what is your favourite animal and why?

If a witch was going to transform you into food but you got to choose, what food would you be and why?

— wylde de beest (@flashember) November 24, 2017

From Jillian K

How did you get started doing music, what was your gateway musical instrument

— Jill la Jill (@JillianKarger) November 23, 2017

From TOM

fuck marry kill donald duck daffy duck scrooge mcduck

if you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one item would it be an iPad without data or a bungalow but you don’t have the key to the door

— corpse sexpert (@trojansauce) November 22, 2017

From Mads 2

Whats it like living out on your own and moving away from family? What struggles do you face? Love you and am excited to hear this podcast!

— CyberPastaSauce (@CutCopyPasta) November 22, 2017


How is it you've achieved success at being the cutest in the world?

How do you think you'll die. What's your intuition on that

— Pigeon Fancier (@isabelzawtun) November 22, 2017

From Leanna

What would be your death row final meal?

— Leanna Renay (@leannuh_renay) November 23, 2017

From LAHMAH in a tux

We all know she looks nothing like the AT&T girl. I want to know who she thinks she does look like (or wants to look like).

— Llama In A Tux (@LlamaInaTux) November 22, 2017

Finally from FOTS Abby

Who is your favorite stand-up and why?

— Hi, it's Abby. Yep. (@abbycohenwl) November 22, 2017

SEGMENT: Stand up Comedy!


Mads Designed a T SHIRT!

Here’s the video of the song!

Madds Covers Wilco!

Twitter Mentions