Friends of the Show episode 29 with Maison Piedfort @Maisonshouting “I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing.” — Daniel Hillel Maison is a talented and funny writer and artist, dabbling in many forms of media and doing lots of very fun things, you can check out all her writing and …

Friends of the Show episode 29 with Maison Piedfort @Maisonshouting

“I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing.” — Daniel Hillel

Maison is a talented and funny writer and artist, dabbling in many forms of media and doing lots of very fun things, you can check out all her writing and what not at very cool needlepoint things too! Obliged to mention she was also a guest on Making Friends with Mark Magark check it out!

Maison’s Story – That time a hot doctor gave me a surprise pelvic exam.

Maison’s Tweets

[in line to get my farmers market kettle corn fix]
HER: Oh no, we're all out….JK!
ME [shaking]: This is no time for jokes you farmer bitch

— maison shrieking (@maisonshouting) August 5, 2016

[comforting myself after a bad tweet]
It's ok to suck bc we must stay accessible for all the fans

— maison shrieking (@maisonshouting) April 29, 2017

[ice cream aisle]
[a sage old woman whispers "child get the quart"]
ME: that lady was nice
M: back there
C: there was no lady

— maison shrieking (@maisonshouting) September 6, 2017

Maison’s Picks

*watches an extremely cute guy flirt with an equally cute girl at the gym from the floor above like an old witch on a mountain*

— skep but frightening (@goodhairperson) October 3, 2015

a proper response to girl calling "amy?" in ladies bathroom wouldve been silence. but instead i yelled YOU WON'T FIND YOUR PRECIOUS AMY HERE

— tara shoe (@tarashoe) October 4, 2013

*on Ellen*
ELLEN: so i hear u tweet about wanting to die
ME: haha yeah, i do
*Death comes out, creeps up behind me*
ME: omg ellen you didnt

— lisi ! (@cavedevice) February 27, 2017

Questions from Twitter

With your incredibly long legs, if a car was going to hit you, could you just step right over it and keep on walkin?

— rob HELLiott (@rockymomax) October 24, 2017

– what is an object completely broken or useless that you can’t bring yourself to throw out?

— Timmy (@TheTimmyToes) October 26, 2017

1. how many cats is too many?
2. did you notice the number and answer to the previous question were the same?

— The Pun-Kinwesterner (@panmidwest) October 24, 2017

Maison, hello. What is the achievement you are most proud of?

— Jess is Spooky (@jessokfine) October 24, 2017

what’s your least favorite book?

what body part would you rename, and what would you change it to?

what’s your favorite muppet?

— penjamin.skulb (@upsidedowntrash) October 24, 2017

1 what is your favourite rap album
2 wyr have a permanent cut on the bottom of your foot so it hurt to walk or permanently smell of cabbage

— pumpkinsauce (@trojansauce) October 26, 2017

1. What's the craziest story you have?
2. What book have you read that stuck with you for days after?

— Jackolantern The Jew (@okimstillhungry) October 24, 2017

1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. If you could have one super power what would it be?

— mad died (@whatmaddness) October 24, 2017

How many people have sketched you to your knowledge and how does it make you feel

— Spookpants Cher (@House_Feminist) October 24, 2017

do you have any role models, and if so, who and why?

— skep but frightening (@goodhairperson) October 24, 2017

1) What is your favorite book/movie/show/song (whichever or all)?
2) How's minverva bae?
3) Do you yell at the tv when you watch football?

— Caitlin (@caithuls) October 24, 2017

If you could have anyone haunt you as a ghost, who would you want it to be and why?

— Valerie (@ValerieGauvain) October 24, 2017

Check out Maisons needlepoint Etsy Store

Shoutout to @catstronomical and check out her episode of the podcast!

Thanks so much to Maison for joining me this week!

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