Friends of the Show episode 27 with Kevin @panmidwest! “One doesn’t realize in early life that the price of freedom is loneliness. To be happy is to be tied.” -C.S. Lewis in The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy Kevin is a very funny twitter fellow and nice person! He […]

Friends of the Show episode 27 with Kevin @panmidwest!

“One doesn’t realize in early life that the price of freedom is loneliness. To be happy is to be tied.”

-C.S. Lewis in The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis, Volume 3: Narnia, Cambridge, and Joy

Kevin is a very funny twitter fellow and nice person! He burst on to the scene about a year ago and has been killing it, just great stuff all the time. He does a regular tweet call Mustache Mondays, we’ll get into why the ‘stache is a key part of the panmidwest brand later. Welcome Kevin!

Kevin’s Story

1. Hitchhiking in Zambia at Midnight — my friend got malaria and was hospitalized so we wanted to make sure he had someone stay with him overnight in the hospital. Finding our way there was a challenge.

2. I never expected to be tear gassed — relaxing at a cafe in Podgorica, Montenegro on a Saturday was suddenly interrupted by tear gas.

3. “Theresa” — when my neighbor broke up with her boyfriend, my roommate and i had to help her keep him away. until we realized she was stretching the truth about his antics

Kevin’s Tweets

Theresa nothing worse about a breakup than your ex's name autocompleting whenever you type a word that starts with Theresa same letters

— The Pun-Kinwesterner (@panmidwest) December 15, 2016

[Walk into a Cat Cafe]
Me-I've never eaten cat. What do you recommend?
Lady-They're for adopting not eating
M-Oh, well can I adopt one?

— The Pun-Kinwesterner (@panmidwest) April 13, 2016

[ping pong]

ME: 3 to 2, my serve
M: can I have the ba-
J: the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve
M: [exhales] every time

— The Pun-Kinwesterner (@panmidwest) May 15, 2016

Kevin’s Picks

[at club]
[does stabbing and offering motion]

— YUNG SPIDER GOD (@buttgh0st) January 16, 2015

You cause one minor incident at a museum and everyone is "Irreplaceable Egyptian mummy" this and "Could have used regular toilet paper" that

— Chimney Spotter (@chimneyspotter) October 27, 2015

"Hey Cyclops are you still dating Jean?"
"No Storm, we broke up. You could say she's my…"
*lowers sunglasses*
*eye beams obliterate Storm*

— Frovostein (@fro_vo) July 19, 2014

Questions from Twitter

From Kevin

why do you have 3 pairs of glasses on, idiot?

— The Pun-Kinwesterner (@panmidwest) October 4, 2017

From James

Why are you so young and why is your mustache so old?

— Lord Kilmister (@ObscureGent) October 4, 2017

From Isabel

Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

— Pumpkin Fancier (@isabelzawtun) October 4, 2017

From Todd

Are you as smart as Hype?

— Todd 'Spooki' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) October 4, 2017


As a Kevin, which movie do you resent the most: Home Alone, Up or the Minion movie?

— Llama In A Costume (@LlamaInaTux) October 6, 2017

From Cyborg

If you could grow a mustache anywhere else on your body, where would it be

— Cyborg H.aunts (@CyborgHanky) October 4, 2017


Is "envelope" pronounced like "ON-velope" or "N-velope"? Is fizzy drink called "pop" or "soda?" Why?

— It's Undead. Yep. (@abbycohenwl) October 4, 2017

From Guy Incognito

what do you think the first thing Jesus will do when He returns to Earth (apart from playing ping pong obviously)?

— FrankenCozzo (@ShutUpThatsWho) October 6, 2017

From NickenDrumsticks

I have an Aussie accent. You're already turned on, aren't you, Kevin?

— Nicken Drumsticks (@beefman138) October 4, 2017

From FOTS Mike Bigby

Kevin you are my hero and I love you, what do you make of that? Also which president are you and why?

— lil micky dead guy (@MikeBigby) October 4, 2017

From suggy

How many people has your mustache killed?

— Murder, She Twote (@sug_knight) October 6, 2017

From Brandon

Kevin, is it true that you are Ned Flanders incarnate?

— Brandom (@BCMontgo) October 6, 2017

Also, what's your favorite beer style
Follow-up: Brewery?
Follow-up-up: Beer?

— Brandom (@BCMontgo) October 6, 2017

From Jillian Karger

1) What is the best episode of The Office?

2) What is your backup best episode of The Office in case you were wrong the first time?

— Jill O'Lantern (@JillianKarger) October 4, 2017

From MAddy

What's your favorite pizza topping? What if you had to put that pizza on top of a cheese cake—what is it now?

— Rads the Good Witch (@FeelingEuphoric) October 6, 2017


Kevin, is it true that you and John Gourley of Portugal. The Man fame go to the same barber?

— spooky tom (@YuckyTom) October 6, 2017

Thanks to Kevin for joining me

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