Friends of the Show Episode 007 with Bigby … @MikeBigby Follow @MikeBigby on Twitter Follow @FOTSpod on Twitter Follow @SkinnerSteven on Twitter “The degree of one’s emotions varies inversely with one’s knowledge of the facts.” – Dog the Bounty Hunter This week’s guest is a lovely English gent Mike Bigby. I haven’t known Mike too […]

Friends of the Show Episode 007 with Bigby … @MikeBigby

Follow @MikeBigby

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Follow @SkinnerSteven on Twitter

“The degree of one’s emotions varies inversely with one’s knowledge of the facts.” – Dog the Bounty Hunter

This week’s guest is a lovely English gent Mike Bigby. I haven’t known Mike too long but some things I do know about Mike, he has a beard, plays guitar and writes music and is quite funny in written form as well as performed, as he had good Vines on the deceased platform for short videos.

Mikes Story: “The Eagles of Death Metal”

Mike’s Tweets:

Goofy [as an art critic]: gauche

— it's bigby, bitch (@MikeBigby) March 21, 2017

When accompanying a lady, the gentleman walks on the roadside of the pavement so if a car swerves off-road he can bat it away with his dick

— it's bigby, bitch (@MikeBigby) September 21, 2016

Want to feel old? I do. It's been 500 years since I supped from Vladimir's grail. My loved ones have all perished. Hey Arnold is like 30 now

— it's bigby, bitch (@MikeBigby) October 13, 2016

Great Tweets by Others chosen by Mike (Mike sent too many so I had to cut some, apologies to Kyle McDowell, Sky, AbbyCohen, JB Johnson, Ollu Munster, No the Other Jon and Steven W Skinner- your tweets will NOT be read, but still follow these people online.

By pal of the show @radtoria

People who are offended when I breastfeed in public need to STFU. What I'm doing is natural and strengthens the bond between me and my dog.

— ghost mom (@radtoria) October 21, 2014

From Tom! @trojansauce

[phone sex]

HER: tell me what you'd do with me

ME: *loudly chewing a bagel* idk prolly sex

— trojansauce (@trojansauce) July 22, 2015

From LEgendary Comedian and Writer Harris Wittels, Rest in Peace Harris

At the risk of stereotyping, I feel like all gay people are just attracted to people of their own gender.

— Harris Wittels (@twittels) November 28, 2014

Check out Harris Wittels Stuff here:

AV Club

Aziz Memorial Blog

Mikes Vines – send the link to the compilation of your vines

Here’s a nice thing someone said about Mike’s Vine

@MikeBigby I am literally crying hysterically because this is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life

— Jen~ (@jenluvdonut) September 10, 2016

Questions from Twitter

From our Friend of the Show Timmy @TheTimmyToes

@FOTSPod @MikeBigby @SkinnerSteven what's better: flat shoe laces or round shoe laces?

— Delightful Timmy (@TheTimmyToes) May 11, 2017

From Friend of the Show Bex @Bexdora

@FOTSPod @MikeBigby @SkinnerSteven Who would win in a fight, @trojansauce or my mother?

What is your favourite thing to play on the banjo?

Did you propose using the banjo?

— The Lady of Whatever (@Bexdora) May 12, 2017

From David Hughes

@FOTSPod @SkinnerSteven @MikeBigby What's the most you've ever spent on a duvet? Don't say £200 cos that's a fucken lie

— David Hughes (@david8hughes) May 12, 2017

From Ally Gator @notacroc

@FOTSPod @MikeBigby @SkinnerSteven Will Mike fly to Chicago to give me 1 on 1 dance lessons in multiple 6-hour sessions?

— Ally Gator (@notacroc) May 11, 2017

From BEn @VanGoBot

@FOTSPod @MikeBigby @SkinnerSteven What's the most you can bench press with your beard?

— NoKids3Money (@VanGobot) May 11, 2017

From pal of the show Rudy Mustang

@FOTSPod @MikeBigby @SkinnerSteven do one of your famous impressions

— rudy mustang (@rudy_mustang) May 12, 2017

This can of worms is From Tom @trojansauce

@FOTSPod @MikeBigby @SkinnerSteven 1. i could beat you in a fight
2. what do you have to say about that
3. everyone calls you bitchby behind your back
4. pick one or

— trojansauce (@trojansauce) May 12, 2017

Finally, close your ears for this one grandma

From Friend of the Show Todd @TheToddWilliams

@FOTSPod @MikeBigby @SkinnerSteven Why do British people get to say "cunt" with impunity?

— Todd 'Papi' Carlos (@TheToddWilliams) May 11, 2017

Donkey Kong 64 Rap


Podcasts Review with Mike and Steven!

Thanks to Mike Bigby for joining us and having fun online.

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