Join host Brad Whipple (@bradwhipple) as he sits down with Charlotte (@crerrity) and Caitlin (@caitlinplesher), hosts of Skytalkers Podcast (@skytalkerspod). They each open up about when they first discovered Star Wars and what led them to starting the podcast in January 2017 and how it quickly grew a large following. We also discuss what Star Wars has meant to their friendship and in their personal lives. Plus, some rapid fire questions such as what would Rey and Kylo have for dinner during a night out?? 

“From A Certain Point Of View” is a series in which I interview fans, friends, podcasters, authors, actors, and content creators in the Star Wars community to learn, from a certain point of view, what Star Wars means to them and how it has impacted their life. Is there someone you want to see on the series? Send me an email, and I'll do my best to get them on the show!

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Thank you to all of our Patrons, including our Luminous Beings: Charlie, Gina, Neil Lowery, and Timothy.

Intro and Outro Music is composed by Jonathan Adamich ("Flight Toward The Stars") and is licensed to use.

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