Previous Episode: Wise in Relationships

Speaker: Jeff Jarvis In 2020, after watching the documentary, The Social Dilemma, I devoted a Sunday morning to exploring the relationships we have with our electronic devices.  I knew at...

Speaker: Jeff Jarvis

In 2020, after watching the documentary, The Social Dilemma, I devoted a Sunday morning to exploring the relationships we have with our electronic devices.  I knew at that time that my relationship with my smartphone was unhealthy and that I needed to make changes. I knew I wasn’t the only one…the problem was rampant.

Now, almost three years later, new research is suggesting that the digital age is having a dramatic and negative effect on our attention spans.  They’re shrinking at an alarming rate.  Perhaps you’ve noticed this in your own life. The struggle to just focus and be present for more than a few minutes at a time without feeling the pull to check out and do something else.  Whether it’s the compulsion to check your phone or to just go somewhere else in our own minds. Never before has it been so difficult to just be HERE – to be present.

This news should be alarming for everyone but especially those of us on the spiritual journey who have accepted the invitation and challenge to live more and more in the present moment, undistracted and focused on what’s happening both within ourselves and in those around us.

This Sunday I want to explore the wisdom of guarding our attention and, if it’s been lost, what can be done to get it back.  Invite a friend and join us either in-person or online

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