Speaker: Vince Klassen & Jeff Jarvis Have you ever thought much about the endgame of your spirituality?  What is it you’re hoping to achieve by making spirituality a priority in...

Speaker: Vince Klassen & Jeff Jarvis

Have you ever thought much about the endgame of your spirituality?  What is it you’re hoping to achieve by making spirituality a priority in your life?

Though Friends Church doesn’t tell people what to believe theologically, there is a belief that has shaped so much of what we do and how we do it at Friends.  It is the belief that the endgame of all of our spiritual pursuits should lead to a more loving, a more kind, and caring world.  With this spiritual endgame, how we engage in our daily life and behave around others becomes of critical, spiritual importance.

This Sunday, we’re unpacking two more Friends Church values that we think are vital to this endgame.  Want to know what they are?   Invite a friend and join us this Sunday for a good spiritual sweat at the “Gym” – either in-person or YouTube Livestream online.

We’ll explain it all.

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