In this very special episode of "Friendless," host James Avramenko is joined by Sara Bynoe (actor, producer, host of Teen Angst) to dive deep into the complexities of friendship and the emotional impact of friend break-ups. Sara opens up about a painful experience with a friend who crossed a line and failed to show remorse, prompting her to reflect on the importance of setting boundaries and acknowledging the lasting effects such betrayals can have.

The conversation steers into a candid discussion about the different dimensions of emotional trauma, with James emphasising the necessity of allowing oneself to feel the repercussions fully. Both contemplate the difficult choices surrounding the potential for reconciliation after trust has been shattered.

Sara shares insights from her journey with cognitive behavioural therapy and the mental health strategies she's adopted to help navigate her responses to challenging situations. Likewise, James reveals his own path to self-understanding following a recent psych evaluation.

They further explore the essence of friendship – what it means to be a good friend, the value of kindred spirits, and the intricate dance between connection and self-preservation. Sara and James also touch upon the topics of neurodiversity, the stigma associated with psychological diagnoses, and the relationship between trauma and personality development.

Community building is highlighted as Sara discusses her role in creating inclusive spaces through her events, such as "Teen Angst". They also reflect on their own evolving criteria for cultivating meaningful friendships and the lessons they've learned from holding onto or releasing certain relationships.

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