This week we take aim at... Valentines Day

Sarah opens with some background on who St Valentine may have been and why it is that we celebrate him as the patron saint of love, she then goes on to talk about Lupercalia an ancient Roman festival that helped at the same time of year that also focused somewhat on love, Sarah then talks briefly on Korean couples days and the day they have for singles. Again sorry Bianca for stealing part of your segment.

Bianca is the beautiful meat in our sandwich as she talks about some Valentine traditions for around the world starting with the one that makes us say, But Why?  Then to ones that make us go, Aww That's Cute, and then finishes off with a Finnish tradition that turns out Bianca was celebrating for years without knowing it.

Amy brings the show to a close with a couple of cute but funny Valentine stories that show you love can be shown in many different but beautiful ways, she also talks about some amazing if not surgery presents you can buy for the one you love.   

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Episode edited by Sarah

Theme music by Joseph McDade

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