This week the girls take aim at... Adulting

In the fifth installment of the FNWF A &B edition, Danni_hell joins Amy and Bianca in their discussion about the pros and cons of Adulting.

Amy introduced tonight's topic and reminisced about all the time she spent as a child wishing she was an adult so then she could do whatever she wanted. Oh, how wrong she was!

Amy then discussed how working as an adult is both a pro and a con. On one side you can work. In many countries, you have to be in your mid to late teens to earn money working so the ability to earn money is a pro. However, on the flip side, as an adult, it is expected that you pay your own living expenses and therefore you must work making it a con because you have no choice.

Dani then discussed the access to adult money being both a pro and a con. Earning money as an adult is way better than getting given money as a kid because you get so much more right? What if you use your adult money to purchase unnecessary things? No one will stop you! Which is both a pro and a con.

Bianca finished us up by explaining how the old you get the fewer "f**ks" you have to give. When we are children we have the propensity to care more about things. However, as we age our ability to care about things gets smaller and smaller. This is definitely a pro of adulting.

Bianca also discussed a con of adulting being the random medical issue of the day. Why does my back hurt? Where did that bruise come from? Was that mole there yesterday? These are the things we face as adults because our bodies are slowly giving up on us.

A massive thanks to Dani aka Danni_hell for being a fantastic guest!

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Episode edited by Amy

Theme music by Joseph McDade

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