Hello everyone,  

We want to give you an update on where we are in terms of our personal health, and our podcasting schedule.  

First, I can say that we are all safe and healthy. We have been social distancing and wearing masks, and that has been very important in keeping us protected from COVID-19.  

However, as the numbers in the US continue to spike, it’s clear that we will not be able to “return to normal” for quite some time.  

For us, this means that we will be recording remotely for the entirety of 2020. Wrath and Story has already begun recording, and we hope to have new episodes soon. Thank you for your patience as we figure out the new system.  

Friday Night Quests will not have any new episodes in 2020. If and when it does return, it will not be in the Dungeons and Dragons system.  

Our original goal with FNQ was to share our love of D&D, and I am very proud of the results. We’ve received lovely messages on iTunes, on social media and via email, telling us that people have tried D&D for the first time because of our show. And that’s wonderful to hear.  

But, while we are exceptionally proud of the stories we’ve produced in both our campaigns, we also feel the limitations of D&D as a podcast medium. We’ve begun to look at other systems, but I’m getting married in 100 days, Jay has a baby and Nic and Kelly are expecting a child soon, so we simply cannot give a new campaign the attention it deserves right now. Once we know the state of affairs in 2021, we can begin looking into new systems we feel called to tell compelling stories in.  

We are also closing the Friday Night Quests Patreon at the end of July. Since we aren’t able to produce new episodes for the foreseeable future, we don’t feel it’s right to continue to collect those subscriptions. We want to leave the Patreon open for one more month, for anyone who wants to listen to our bonus content before we close down. If you still want to show your support after July, we ask that you consider subscribing to the Wrath and Story Patreon. I’m still an editor and producer on Wrath & Story, so I can tell you that the support we receive through that Patreon really makes a difference.  

We recently converted our FNQ discord to a Partial Arc discord, with Wrath & Story backers joining the server, and we’ve been really pleased at how active it’s become. Our Wrath & Story Patreon backers will still get access to this discord, so if you want to join us there, you can do so by supporting the Wrath & Story Patreon.  

I will continue to be active there, so if you have any questions I am more than happy to field them on the discord.  

If you are looking for another way to support us, you can visit our online store and buy a copy of Mortals: Descent of the Gods. It’s an action-packed collaborative board game that we are extremely proud of, and these days, board games are something that you might just want more of while you are stuck in the house. My fiancée is not a big fan of complex board games, but I can tell you honestly that she really enjoys Mortals, and we’ve played it a lot the past few months.  

We are so intensely proud of the episodes we have produced for both campaigns, and we hope they speak to you as well. We know this is disappointing news, but we truly believe this is the right decision.  

Thank you so much for listening.  

Stay safe, we love you, and play safe and have fun.  

Bye, everybody.