All time Friday Night Movie champions - our parents, Fanny and Roger- join the show to recount our amazing experience meeting and taking dance lessons from Adolfo "Shabba Doo" Quiñones AKA Ozone from FNM HOF movies Breakin' and Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. Also, mom takes her stab at delivering the buttery voiced intro of the show.  We also talk movies and TV. Lily gets an "I Told You Show" for Killing Eve, we love Dallas and Robo, congrats to Weekends for winning big

Shoutouts: All Star ComiconBanzai Retro Club, Gato, Herspiration Happy Hour, Deborah K. Baker Jr. and her brother William, Mike Roberts and Andy Sipes, Annuta, and Cousin Vanessa. 

Send us your recommendations and your tradesies! We'll watch them and report back on the show! Email us at [email protected] or tweet @FriNightMovie@pancake4table@chichiKgomez, and/or  @paperBKprincess

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