OG Friday Night Movie family member, Alon, returns to play the first-ever game of the FNM Home Edition card game. We talk movie aliens (Coneheads, Arrival, Contact, Star Trek, Guardians of the Galaxy, Howard the Duck), movies and TV shows with terrible endings, movie retcons, Toy Story 4, and of course, Game of Thrones (we're not ready to let go yet). We also got LIVE twitter answers to our TV show advice questions from the amazing and talented Kandice Martellaro of FemmeBotPhd. Come to hear Lily mix up the titles of movies, stay to here what happens to your kids when you show them the original 1974 version of Benji.

Other stuff in this episode: Watership Down, How I Met your Mother, Dexter, Catastrophe, Walking Dead.

Shoutouts to Howie, Janine, and Becky's babysitter.

Friday Night Movie and Pancake for the Table will be at All Star Comic Cn in Tyson's Corner, Virginia, June 8-9, 2019. Get tickets and join us for an amazing experience!

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Theme music by What Does It Eat

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