Greetings! Here is our audiocast of the second Republic Flashpoint – Hammer Station, or as we called it, ‘Sky Anus’.  Our recording is complete with quest audio and game sound effects as well as our ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’ commentary.  This evil station has been pooping out asteroids and firing them at unsuspecting planets for […]


Here is our audiocast of the second Republic Flashpoint – Hammer Station, or as we called it, ‘Sky Anus’.  Our recording is complete with quest audio and game sound effects as well as our ‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’ commentary. 

This evil station has been pooping out asteroids and firing them at unsuspecting planets for eons.  However, our intrepid party infiltrates this station and puts an end to the sky turd menace!

This is actually the first episode that we recorded, so bear with us as we ‘get the kinks out.’


Tricky – Your friendly neighborhood gunslinger with a nice butt.  Although male in real life (and on the audio), Tricky is a constant source of completely sexist banter.
Gizmos – Deadly Jedi Sentinel, otherwise known as ‘two lightsabers and a microphone’. 
Syd – Jedi Consular.  Force healing and frequent dirt napping. 
Odawg – Trooper Vanguard (think of the Iron Maiden song).  Odawg is our friendly meat shield and our valiant defender.

Friday Night Flashpoints Episode 1

‘That’s not a moon, its a battle station’
