To fish or not to fish?  That is the big question we as anglers are facing in different parts of the country.  Here in Michigan, specifically southeast Michigan, Detroit is considered as a “hot zone” for the Covid 19 virus.  Now up until recently, I had intentions of still getting out on the water with friends to do a some much anticipated fishing for the walleye run.  However, after seeing a post from Wes Smith of the Metro Detroit Walleye Stalker group on Facebook, I reconsidered my desire to fish and I questioned myself.  I debated the risks and benefits in my mind and made a decision to NOT fish until things calm down.  The point of this episode is to NOT tell you what you should or shouldn’t do during these times as it pertains to fishing, but rather just to have you think for a minute of what you feel is the right thing.  I am joined by Wes and he gives a great perspective and how he came to the difficult decision to NOT fish during these times. We all love to fish but is now the right time?  Just some food for though.  I wish you all the best and stay safe out there. More great content to come.  Cheers!


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