Most of us if asked to fish every single day for a year straight would be all over the opportunity.  However, could you really do it?  Think about all of your priorities, obligations, commitments, vacations planned etc.  Still think you could somehow manage to fish every single day, 365 days? In the perfect world I would say yes, but reality is, it is a hell of a bigger commitment than most realize.  However, my guest this week, Stephen Veals did just that.  He fished 365 days, every…. single….day for a year straight.  It is a hell of an achievement and after listening to his story, I have a tremendous amount of respect for what this guy went through and the challenges he faced in everyday life while staying committed to fishing daily.  It takes a lot of personal self awareness, improvement and mental toughness to stay committed that long to something that others might deem meaningless.  The fishing knowledge, skills acquired, obstacles overcome and self determination will be something no one can ever take from him.  I applaud Steve and I am happy that there a folks out there like him willing to share their story with us.  Enjoy!!!


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