In this episode I speak to Joe Notebaert, a two time world Brazilian Jiu-jitsu champion, whose passion lies in permaculture (also known as regenerative agriculture). Joe explains how 'The Omnivore's Dilemma', first sparked his interest in permaculture and how he managed to incorporate its principles even while living in Central London.
Joe explains the core principles of permaculture and why it could feed the planet ten times over despite the mainstream doom and gloom narrative of overpopulation. We explore the problems of monoculture and industrial agriculture and how this is currently turning the earth into a giant dust bowl with poor quality food that wreaks havoc on our gut microbiome.
We chat about the implications of the 'vegan-ism' movement and problems of soya. Joe illustrates an example of permaculture in the English Kent countryside with pigs and chickens living symbiotically in a copse, which would normally be viewed as wasteland by industrial farmers.
Joe also discusses his positive view for the future and world outcome when we realise we can feed the world,  how we have been manipulated into thinking there is a fossil fuel scarcity and where people can start with permaculture.
--The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan

Link to Joe's BJJ and Yoga festival happening in Mallorca October 2021

Joe's permaculture Youtube video

Kiss the Ground documentary

Geoff Lawton

Hadza tribe and fecal transplants

Paul Saladino

Alan Savory

White Oak Pastures Permaculture Farm

Cedar Springs Farm Permaculture Farm

Music: Buddha by Kontekst